Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NeNe Geese

no pics today...Shuttled over to the Village, and Shuttled back...nap and tv until work...sunny blueblue work, some talkabouts, and one about NeNe Geese of Hawaii...almost extinct by 1952, just thirty or so, NeNe population now over a thousand or so, I think...hard to find like yesterday's count of endangered species!...Here's one link with story:

and Wiki's take on WWT Slimbridge who helped conserve Nene and other Waterfowl reading, I find there is a Sharpness Canal!....I've know for a long time there is a town near Bristol named Sharpness, and now a Canal too....neither have anything to do with my Grandfather on arriving from Norway choosing Sharpness for name at Ellis Island--apparently there were too many Larsens!....but it's nice to know there are other 'persons places or things' out there called Sharpness...well, I looked up wiki's take on suffix 'ness'...dont think I have ever looked up grammar just for fun!...and can't recall when I last gave thought to grammar!!....oh...and some further searches: the WWT was founded by the son of the antarctic explorer Scott...

The Trust's most famous success story is that of the Hawaiian Goose or Nene (which you should see above) - in 1949 there were just 20-30 birds left on the Hawaiian Islands. Some were taken into captivity - three to the Trusts headquarters at Slimbridge, Gloucestershire, and since then more than two thousand have been released.

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