Sunday, September 4, 2011

Two Fawns

At Lunch: paddled out to Ozone Beach...Mama Doe and Two Fawns by the Cottonwoods...tried for pics, but Deer browsing in the Tall Grasses...sat awhile by the Willow...tried for Little Bird pics...but no luck...for sometime, a determined effort to sight and get pics thereabout!...sunnybluebluehot...oh...Mallard paddled by, Phoebe about...yesterday, Lunch at Noon, real lunchtime!, Robins about, and Two Sandpipers, at Ozone Beach too...Praying Mantis at the Fair, perched on Trash Can Rim...tried for pics, all blurry. and I a bit of a 'what in the world?' to fairgoers as I leaned over with camera, trying for angle and light....

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