Monday, September 26, 2011

Two Yearling Deer

Two Deer by the Cabin this morning...pic up...sunny, maybe cloudy, (didn't get out much!), warm....after dinner at last chance, picked up a mocha (which I have been getting on the farflung rollabouts--a travel treat) for the first time at Last Chance, which has a coffee corner, which I've never gotten coffee from before, I mean, it's right there, but as part of my chores, I make coffee, and can have coffee for free, or when off work, half price, and I dont know, it just never occured to me to get the special coffees, which are sorta like deserts....anyway, with mocha, paddled out to Ozone Beach...sat awhile ahd watched Mama Doe and Two Fawns, One Fawn, and Bucks and Does over in the Diversion Channel..made the Inside Loop counter clockwise...sat awhile at Creek's End...there's a fine Log now with the old view in front of Owl Log..and I was content to watch Last Light fade from Half Dome...Blue Jays, Robin call, Mallard call, Ouzel, Phoebe, of Bobcat catching Ground Squirrel behind the Rooms..

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