Friday, January 2, 2009

Oak Grove Hawk

I was on the way to the Post Office...and Antlered Buck with Does came gamboling down from the Rocky Slope at Lower Falls...took a long clip from the other side of the mini Meadow....Deer then started up the Path to Lower Falls...along with the Tourists! I followed....caught up too late to see the Does cross the View Bridge...but Antlered Buck was there...clip and now not enough time left for walk to the Post just continued the Path Loop and came out to the Oak Grove by Bobcat's and Bear's Appletrees...looked up and saw, as I thought, 'that's not Raven, that's Hawk!'...on the highest branch of the highest Oak...and it's Woodpecker Tree Redshouldered Hawk!....the 12x was set up on the Tripod...took pics and clips...branches and distance a difficulty...set up the minididgi...some more pics and clips...I moved out to the Path and Road for a sun behind me angle...and found a place in the Oaks Grove where I could frame Hawk with the Falls in the background....more pics and time approaching and I went over right under the Tree Hawk was in and with the new camera got a few blurry pics of Hawk in flight...Hawk flew off towards Fern Ledge....even blurry, very cool to see Hawk's wings undersides....kinda cloudy and cool and tried to rain...maybe higher up a little snow...good to see the Deer about...and Hawk!

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