Monday, January 12, 2009

Pileated Woodpeckers

I'd paddled all the way out to just below Washington Column...and hadn't seen much...tried for some Black Cap pics...but thereabouts I heard a loud Woodpecker at work...too loud for an Acorn Woodpecker, I thought!...and I went off the path into the woods, trying to be quiet on the crunchy snow, locating the I suspected it might be, Pileated Woodpecker was hard at work...the minidigi was all set up...that's the routine have it mounted and ready to go on the tripod...and I took some I could, as Pileated was behind a lot of branches atop a broken small Fir (or Oak...or Cedar...not sure!!)...I tried for some pics with the new camera...but too far away and low light...everything kinda blurry!...and then a second Pileated showed up...or it may have been there all along, but I'd heard only one...oh...I'd really like to get clip and pic of both together!, I thought...and left off with the minidigi...mounted the 12x on the monopod...and crunched crunched through the sorta close...then realized I'd have to crawl to get closer!...crunchcrunchcrunch!...once under the Fir I was able to get the clip of the two together...have new camera pics too...but the branches are in the way...and the low light again! Pileated flew off...and I circled, crunching, to try an opposite side angle...Pileated is oblivious when at work, it would seem!...but branches were just too much...and the second Pileated flew off too...tree to tree...I think they live in the area...anyway...I'm happy with the clips!...continued on the Path to Mirror Lake...found a spot with a view of the Lake Meadow...and had lunch...egg salad sandwich, chips, hershy's, and elixer...was content until the YIs showed up and 'circled'...but I'd finished eating, so picked up and walked back to the Shuttle...hopped off at Lower Falls...went over to the Deer House road to see what became of the Broken Oak...just a stump now!...they took the whole Tree down....bit of an overdo, I'd say!...light by now was fading...had planed to be in Chapel Meadow for the afternoon light...but going to Mirror Lake was one touch-base too Bobcats...a few Grey Squirrels..and Black Cap Chickadees....a quiet day Critter wise...dont know where they all are on an almost Spring like cool sunny blue day!! early trip to the Post Office gathered in another package of giant printer paper...I...I have too many things to do!...and the Blue Sky tomorrow is sure to be walkabout opportunity...nice to be in the bunk a bit early tonight...very sleepy...PBS show on India on...Antique Roadshow had an old Fauna Flora book by a Forbes of India...gotta go look that up...and tomorrow make some prints!!

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