Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Blue Sky Hawk

The Fierce Sparrow was by the Merced shore under Chapel the Broken Cottonwood!...and I'd just finished taking pics and a clip...and I was cold!...nose and finger tip numb cold!....out in Sentinel shaded Cook's Meadow, I'd checked my key chain was eighteen degrees! ten thirty!...this is very unusual in the Valley...and to warm up I leaned back on the Bridge railing...soaking up the sun peeking past Sentinel...and gazed downstream to Creek's End...and along came Hawk flying in the Beautiful Blue Sky right towards me!...
I thought to hurry to get a camera for a pic...but decided to just watch...expecting Hawk to fly overhead...and Hawk perched instead in the Alder Tree over the Bar just a ways out...or maybe a Cottonwood...have to check!...anyway...I had time then to take some long distance pics with the new camera...I was about to use the 12x for a handheld video...the minidigi was on the tripod...but instead decided to try for a didgi clip...I took my eyes off Hawk just for a moment to make adjustments...and looked back..and back..and blinked...and I have no idea where Hawk flew off too!...I checked every Perch Tree from the Chapel to the Deer House and out in Cook's and even back over to the Oak Grove...where this walkabout had started...I went around Cook's almost completely twice!....but Hawk was off somewhere unknown...and it looks to be Martin...which I haven't seen since last President's Day..the Juvenile Redshouldered Hawk...doing up the post, I was reminded of some more of the 2007 Xmas Eve clips...and include them with the Fierce Sparrow and the Frenetic Squirrel from today...the shaky Squirrel clip reminds me a bit of Last Chance Tourists! was a fine walkabout...until looking for Hawk I saw the broken Oak behind the Deer House..the Oak 'limbs' are often like entire trees...and one has fallen right over the power or phone line that connects to the Back Porch...the grape like vine is knocked down!'s such a fine part of photos of the old House as it grows across from the Garage to the Back Porch...and will be missed...maybe when the the Workmen clean up they'll re-hang it all! pics of another limb on the Deer House Road that is dangerously cracked...for safety, hazardous trees along Roads and Paths are's very sad to see them break the Oaks aren't regenerating at all...the few protected ones in the Oak Grove are more a showcase than a substantial effort to help the Oaks...for sometime, still, is a post up of the article I found about the Kellog Oaks seemed to suggest that the Indians planted groves...or that the Oaks propagate as Groves...I'm very curious to see how all the little ones survive about the Deer House, and else ware...there were lots from last Spring's bumper acorn crop...and the Deer hardly troubled them...or the Tourists' trampling...I may have stepped on one or two ...a fine morning...and things have quieted down...mercifully!...sunny blue and eighteen degrees in the Sentinel shade!!...oh...Flicker was calling, and playing Hawk!...way up high on one of the Deer House Oaks!! of lots of slip and slide falls on the ice...wear shoe chains...

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