Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bobcat Meadow Hawk

Bobcat pic is from last Winter...and Bobcat was on the North Bank of the Merced upstream from Sentinel Bridge...but earlier had been all over Bobcat Meadow...hence the Meadow's nickname!...at Breakfast, request to come in to work...shift needed coverage...volunteered to come in at five, so today's Walk limited to early afternoon....paddled out to Bobcat Meadow to the Woodpecker Tree...took a seat on the Split Rail Fence...thought to try for flight pics, and the Acorn Woodpeckers were active....looking way across the Meadow to Flicker Grove, noticed some Orange amongst the Cedars...checked with the binocs....Hawk....Coop!... set up the digiscope in the Snow by the Tree...pics and clips....Coop farfar away...picked up and moved forward to the frozen Lilypad Pond....Coop far away...pics and clips...just happened to be taking a reference pic with the 20x, and Coop flew to the Elms...clip(watch left lower corner).... sighted the digi, and some more pics and clips of Coop perched in a young Elm...Coop flew to the Oak With Branch That Arcs Over Half Dome...tried to follow, but I think Coop went Tree to Tree along the Road as before times....continued to the Post Office, and paddled back through the Oak Grove....Mama Doe and One Fawn, two Young Bucks, and Two Fawns and One Doe, or Two Does and One Fawn...couldn't tell...pics...Antlered Buck earlier beside the Road across from the Club House...pic...overcast cloudy sometimes sunny patches of blue sky cool...and cool to see Coop after the storms....look for Cedar and Zeke tomorrow!!....the Elm has lost a large Branch...nearly everywhere one looks there are scattered Branches and Trees fallen...

1 comment:

yosemite faith said...

what an adorable hawk. i saw a bobcat once in copperopolis near where i lived....amazing animal.