Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day Hawk

Late Breakfast...cheerios, milk, croissant...and the Cabin, geared up with everything, even though not much time for a walk, and made a circuit of Bobcat Meadow... just sat a long while at the Long Fallen Ponderosa in the Artist's Grove...and it was quietquiet...lots of tourists about...Mama Golden Retriever with Two Almost Grown Pups romping by Chapel Bridge...Snowball fight over by the of the Snowballs kept snagging my peripheral vision...thought they were Birds...took note to my hiking friend while talking yesterday on the Bike Path, that I find myself scanning Trees and Forest and Meadow all the time, so habituated I've become to close observing, even when talking to folk...peripheral vision sensitivity is some ancient skill we all have that just doesn't get used much...'cept maybe on the basketball court...anyway...picked up, and with just a little time, crossed over Chapel Bridge...saw Big Wings flying low over the Path almost at the Road...hurried along, but without much hope, as several tourists were in the matter...Hawk flew all the way across Chapel Meadow to the Two Ponderosas....thought it was Cedar, but in review, see it was Coop...backtracked, and took farfar away pic with the new camera....went out the Use Path...but before I could get close, Coop went Cottonwood to Cottonwood, and then a long flight over the Merced to the Deer House...should have had the 20x at the ready..would have some nice flight clips...crossed back over the Bridge...and to the Deer House luck,...paddled out to the Road,...and just passed the Muir Redwood, saw Coop posed beautifully on a low Snag of a large Ponderosa....I really missed this pic...I had the digi bracket on the tripod, and I wanted to use the 20x...haven't got a clip lately, and wanted one...but in the time to remove the bracket, Coop flew Tree to Tree from Flicker Grove to the Oak Grove...was able to relocate Coop high atop a Black Oak...with leaves gone from the Trees, this is pretty easy this time of year.... took a handheld clip and pic right away....and had time to set up the digi...and got a clip...though marred by vignette...I've lost again the tightening bolts...presently using pipe cleaners and rubber bands...and the waterproof wouldn't nestle up to the eyepiece because the scope was tilted far back...Coop was almost overhead...and tourists walking and cars all beside!...but always fun to see Hawk....overcast...coolwarm...nights are cold enough to keep the remaining Snow crunchy...but lots of big bare spots now..yesterday, report of Owl in the morning hoo hooing....cant remember where...Granite Landing...or Siberia...somewhere over thereabout, where I haven't been much of late!

1 comment:

yosemite faith said...

have seen from the webcam that the valley floor isn't gaining much in the snow category. just love the hawk.