Tuesday, January 24, 2012

White Pelicans

Now and then, I've seen, and taken pics, of White Pelicans, and thought White Pelicans were just Brown Pelicans that were white...not so, taking the flight pics at Kesterton Unit of San Luis Rey Wildlife Refuge, I saw the black on the Wings, and realized White Pelicans are a new bird, for me!...very cool...Pelicans flew overhead while I was taking pics of Owl, Owls!--Two Owls in the Cottonwoods...made a diversion when I saw where 33 goes, Gustin...Gustin is at the end of 140, which goes all the way to the Valley, and the Refuges are beside 140 not far from Gustin...usually I go through Los Banos, and a long gauntlet narrow Road, to Merced...backing up a day: I tried a different route at San Francisco...instead of going inland, East, through Oakland, and maybe getting to the Valley that Day very late, I continued South to Marina, and made my return this Morning from there...to the Valley from SF, one takes 120, from Monterey area, 140, and from Bakersfield and south, 41...120 and 41 go above the Valley in altitude, I was concerned of ice on 120 at Night, and maybe Rocks...and as it happens, 120 has had a Rockslide, and is closed...Providence's good fortune I went to Marina!...thereabout, after Breakfast, I went to Moss Landing...Hawk on the Snag Tree, overexposed faraway pic, and Otters about...pics up...Seals too...I would have visited more on the Coast, but I had errands to do in Merced...and in the Big Bookstore, I bought some more cds, I have like only four to listen to... and too, I bought some cd books, one a 15 cd of Moby Dick, which should last the next all Night rollabout so I dont have to listen to the astronomers to stay awake!...just a little bit of Snow on the Valley floor, and  cold tonight...Antlered Buck walked by the Cabin as I took in the last armload of gear...sunny hazy warm in the Big Valley, cold hereabout...from the Pass at San Luis Reservoir, which is full, I could see Snow on the Sierra, so higher up there's Snow (24 inches at BadgerBadger!)...Morning Dove at the turn on Olive in Merced... well, I made a Very Big Loop, counterclockwise, but as I've noted before, miles covered doesn't make for more pics...the occasions to take pics happened very much like they do on walkabouts, and  looking back at the rollabout, I'd say, it was a walkabout!!!....and I touched base with spots I saw critters before, something I often do on my walks...more on this with reports of those days!

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Wonderful shots of the pelicans and otters...great to hear about your rollabout and that you are safely back home. Keep warm!