Monday, May 19, 2008

Gilbert's Skink

Pedaled over to the Post Office...when almost there I saw Skink scooting across the bike path...OH! usual response!...and I got off the bike and followed through the Oak Leaves...very cool critter....went over to Cook's and checked Coot's Pond...lots and lots of Polliwogs....wild Iris blooming....went out to Lodgepole Point and just sat down and tried to relax awhile...really hot...over ninety...then made the big loop...and then to lunch...and then walked out to Creek's End...which I cant get to from the Creek West Side...followed the Diversion Channel to Ozone Beach..which is underwater...and where I had to take my shoes off to get back to bike a good butterfly pic...nice afternoon...tonight the Moonbow...try for a pic outside the Cabin....well...I'm starting to get the hang of the night pics!...that's iso 1600 set to infinity f3.5 at 15sec and timed shutter release on the big tripod...and with no cars coming by!...wouldn't think there'd be so every fifteen seconds!

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