Tuesday, April 14, 2009


After Breakfast...pic of which for sometime!...Cook was pleased they didn't break the over easy eggs...so took pic to commemorate!!...after Breakfast, Shuttled over to the Post Office...and at the Habitat, spent my five year gift certificates on a wooden Bear, and Baseball cap with Bear patch...it was cold...and waiting for the Shuttle back...the Shuttle going the other way showed up...so hopped on that one and made the Valley loop...weird weather...sunny to snowy...back at the Cabin, thought to take a nap...but geared up and went to Last Chance for lunch...or maybe that's the other way around!...anyway...I went back to Creek's End and looped to Ozone Beach...and then thought to go check on that White Boulder I'd seen in the Live Oaks on the way up the Upper Falls trail...found the Boulder again...but it wasn't as white as I remember..probably been there five to ten years!...it takes awhile for the lichen to cover them up...anyway...I started to get reports from hikers coming down of 'bear six' at Colombia Point...that would be 'bear nine'...Fir Bear!...so up I went...no luck...but took the clip of the Falls from OhMyGosh lookout...earlier I took the Acorn Woodpecker pic at the Cabin...seemed to be telling me something!...I got back down to Camp 4 about five and thought to go check on those gnawed down trees...I looked up Beavers in the Valley, and the only possibility I can think of is that Sierra Mountain Beavers gnawed down the trees...these critters are, it's said, like big mice with no tails about the size of Marmots, and live in burrows, and being nocturnal, rarely seen...so I looked for burrows!...there were some fresh gopher like mounds...there's a whole menagerie of critters underground that I've never seen...like the Rabbits...I know there's Rabbits, but I've only seen one, and that right out the window at Last Chance!...the chewed down trees are right across the Road at Rocky Point (which I've been mistakenly calling Stony Point!)...this is at the furthest western edge of Two Top Pine Meadow (Liedig)...right where the Merced bends and flows alongside the Road ...right across the Road from the beginning of the Three Brothers rock slide talus... Tom says there may be some more of these trees at Devil's Elbow, which I think is by El Cap...I'll have to go look there!!....the hike up the Falls Trail was great...I like weather...there was wind...and tiny snow flakes...and clouds moving over and along the Rims...after dinner at Last Chance, it began to snow little flakes steady enough to dust white the trees...cleared up...but still cold out...missed Fir Bear...but still a good walkabout!!...Mallard pair at Sentinel Beach...two male Mallards at Swinging Bridge...mixed flock of Blackbirds at Sentinel Bridge...I mean a big flock!...pic and clip for sometime...report of Bobcat over in Siberia...and lots of Juncos about...in the Valley..and up the Trail...some pics to add to the Junco collection!...oh!!...I looked about for 'beaver teeth marks'..and the marks on the trees do indeed look like the Golden Beavers'....here's link that might give credence to their making a foray into the Valley!!...http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/grinnell/mammals69.htm


Tom Lambert said...

I always called this Oh My Gosh and the YI folks and people in the visitor office do too, so I guess it's so.

The thing is, Oh My Gosh Point was a named point on the Old Big Oak Flat Road and the old time climbers call the one on the Falls Trail "Indica Point". You can find that name in old climbing guidebooks as well.


DavidDavid said...

VertiginousView!!?...clip was a lot longer...much of it wobbling about as I found some solid footing!

An elderly Native Indian was the attendent for the YA art show one day, and mentioned they would go to OhMyGosh for lunch...first I heard of it. That show is running now, and worth a LookSee!