Sunday, April 5, 2009

Yellow Rump Warbler

A short walkabout...and a short clip!...all I saw really...sat awhile at the Rocky Slope...some distant pics of a little bird, that I learned later was a Warbler after cropping in on the pics... the clip and pic I took a bit later on the Creek Walk Bridge was a Yellow Rump Warbler too! as far as the Lily Pad Pond out in Bobcat Meadow...met up with friend for this little of Ducks over by Chapel Bridge...noted that the Meadow looks like a pasture with just short blades of green grass coming up..."just needs a cow of two!"....sunny blue warm...too nice a day to be inside at work!...but...well...tomorrow I'm off for my weekend!...charging up all the camera batteries...fired up the printer for awhile...for awhile until one of the ink cartridges went empty!...they do this pretty quick...dont know but I'll use Kodak Gallery more often...

oh!!..found a blog of a hiker making the journey John Muir made from San Francisco to the here:
remarkable fanfare!!

jogged my memory...there was a couple that did the walk awhile found this:

and they appear to be doing it for the third! time...

'hike half dome' is a cool blog...well worth a bookmark!

think this is home page:

the fellow who does the Muir show hereabouts, looks to have come up with a new addition...

lemego see 'bout this bear chasing...brb.......cant search it out...will have to ask the actor!!...sure to be about Last Chance food chasing this summer!!

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