Sunday, May 1, 2016

OTI: Four Poems and Notes 4/30/16

Open To Interpretation


Deep voiced
Black suited
Neck tied
Knock on my door.
Thinking some worry
Think to shout out
Go away,
But elevate to be polite.
Enough blood refreshed my brain
To note their black books
And salesmen entry.
Interrupt "no" I say
And wave them away.
A lost sort,
I imagine they think,
Or impertinent;
Either way not worth delay
To spread fire and brimstone.
I have no hell,
They could tell.
I wish them well
In theirs.

One Beer

It's not that I can't drink
Profusely, boisterously,
I can,
But pass the crowds beyond the windows,
The hubbub sounds from the open doorways.
It's a culture
All consuming
I never fit.
Now and then
I have a beer
In deference,
One enough to get quietly lit.

First Mate

First mate
Among the lonely I rate.
Late, at your command,
Pirates stand.
I bring them to muster,
A shy cluster.
They blush and redden
At your attention.

China Sailors

Your black decked ship
With the neon sails
Could some night tie up
At the Village's boat docks.
I hadn't thought.
One doesn't
When at Sea.
For the crew,
No shore leave,


Notes:  I don't know what to think, things are just going to pieces...I'm sitting in Silver my Jeep, listening to morning sports talk radio while parked in the driveway...the mail box flag up, my smog successful  car registration payment waiting to send inside...and the post man just walks by...I roll the window down, 'hey', I say,one house down...'HEY WAIT' two houses down...hmmph...I chase after, envelope in hand...'You just walked by!'...he's even slow to turn around...'Oh, my bad'...wish I had a job where you just walk around!...and the day before in the mail, I get a letter from the Democratic Party...been a democrat all my life...not a peep...apparently all the republican quacking has moved them...and, no, I wont donate...they've all made my vote into a 'price is right' choice...and, now, three times now...Anaheim, Anaheim, Costa Town, of all the Towns, has gone blood red eyed nuts over all the quacking!...I just, well, I just write poems...



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