Tuesday, May 10, 2016

OTI: one poem and notes:5/9/16

Open To Interpretation

We Are

We are a single minded crew,
Simple minded too.
The planets and stars reflect,
Plot on the polished black deck,
Our bow's direction.


hmmph...it's May...and going back a ways I've been putting April, '4' instead of May, '5' in the headers...

and now just now I wrote 'back aways', and apparently there is no 'aways' with the meaning I intended, and I guess the proper way is 'a way' or
'a ways'...two words...

there's a curio about English words, many of them look to have started out as two or more words, and then they joined together, letters, syllables, dropping out....and the prefexs and suffixes...I want to know what word they once were...what was 'ing' or 'ish'...somewhere maybe a dictionary of such...brb...oh!, there are...search: dictionary of suffixes and prefixes...one site is how they are used in biology...I often thought to id my fauna flora pics with formal biological names...many do...but few, if any, translate them out, and they remain 'Latin and Greek' to the reader!...for sometime a report on these dictionaries!!!...sometimes, I wonder if English was made up by one wordsmith, somewhat like I wonder if Egyptian hieroglyphs were made by one artist, so stylized they are, and then were faithfully copied from copy books for like five thousand years....

I stumbled on a gigantic work studying out Keats, his poem Ode to Melancholy in particular...apparently, he admired, and was influenced by another Melancholy poem by 17th century author Robert Burton...


In his satirical preface to the reader, Burton's persona Democritus Junior explains, "I write of melancholy by being busy to avoid melancholy."

The Anatomy of Melancholy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's like a thousand pages long, and by some considered 'a' poem...for sometime...
On occasion, in the real day to day, I let slip that I like to write, and immediately want to reel back my admission...there's just no way, with new friend, or old, I want to scheme to see them see this!...I don't know how authors get along with that dilemma...I would paint outside in the Valley, but grew tired of the attention, so kept to my cabin...if you're an A list author, I guess it don't matter at the Thanksgiving table gathering...you bought the Turkey!


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