Sunday, May 22, 2016

OTI:seven poems and notes::5/22/16

Open To Interpretation


I could only weep
When our expected meeting
Didn't keep.
It is the worst of things,
Like over gravestones standings.
Oh, but yet we're not under,
Though sorrow shaken
By that one blast of thunder,
Likely not the last.


She knits,
It's after midnight
And she sits on the metal bench
At the entrance to Denny's.
Her right eye gone? Damaged?
The lids just a slit.
From a wedding? A prom?
Young couples in formal
Tuxes and gowns
Returning to their cars
Pause to greet her.
And with gracious Spanish
Wish the knitting lady good evening.
She looks up from her knitting,
And too in Spanish wishes them well.
To my car I follow
As they to theirs.
From behind,
A booming voice,
In English!
"Young man, let no woman,"
"Let no man,"
"Come between you"
"And your education!"
I'm a bit old,
But know when the Fates address.


Oh, the car sellers kept
Coming around
With name trade,
How long you been,
And such,
And I kept just smiling,
Just looking,
Just really annoying,
Until their turnabouts
Made me feel guilty.
So, by way of apology,
And thanks for the time,
No insult intended,
From my shirt pocket
I handed one retreating a dollar.
Oh, the look!
But they kept the dollar!


My hands,
I can't hide them,
Like Hawk's!
An age and genetic thing.
So, see, how
Already you dwell,
Kindly clawing me to tell.
Small wonder then
What I can hide
I will keep hidden
From your sympathies' burdens.
As for my face,
It's just a face:)


It's easy to be spare,
Humble, simple,
Sit like a yogi.
Your swinging necklace,
An accomplishment!


Am I a lout
To spout?
These bemused dreams
Just for me?


From the dictionary look up check:
May 22, 2016,
Word of the Day,
A lady love, sweetheart.
Increase my vocabulary?
For that I have desire's sighs,
Dilemma is the translated reception,
Another windmill!


Notes: The nineteenth century was the era of the Graveyard Poets, their modern counterparts, the black clad Goths...gloom, melancholia, was found to be kind of sexy....thought to elaborate on this, but the Warrior game is to the dungeon/gym to watch...dungeons have cable...there is something to this, as in the end only one team remains standing, the rest have gone fishing to relieve the gloom!...but let me snag Emily's poems...brb...


A not admitting of the wound
Until it grew so wide
That all my Life had entered it
And there were troughs beside -
A closing of the simple lid that opened to the sun
Until the tender Carpenter
Perpetual nail it down -
After great pain, a formal feeling comes – (372)

After great pain, a formal feeling comes –
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs –
The stiff Heart questions ‘was it He, that bore,’
And ‘Yesterday, or Centuries before’?
The Feet, mechanical, go round –
A Wooden way
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought –
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone –
This is the Hour of Lead –
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow –
First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go –
Thunder can be two poems...Dulcinea is all net...


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