Saturday, September 29, 2018

Seastar pic with notes...


Notes: the routine with the stradaeasel September plein air contest has been to use as reference the basket of seashells I came home with, and one giant conch shell...sometimes I just glance at one...sometimes having already done one, I know the details, and can just wing it...I'm looking forward to scanning them all in, putting them all together like an Inca tocapu tunic...that'll take a bit...been awhile since I've manipulated photos/scans into a collage...I haven't been using the scanner for the daily posts...paint is always wet...a couple pastels I could have done that, my photos aren't like the paintings...some darker, some brighter...I've taken the pics inside in artificial light, and outside in sunlight and shade...this part has something I noticed from last year, when I did the paintings at the beach...there I photographed under different light...and, and what I'm leading up to here, is that the pics I post to the web are a combination of photography and painting...the paintings are all very small, and I've come to regard them like a photo negative, or nowadays, a digital file, that can be manipulated...came to this just kind of accidentally, as I began to notice the pics in the odd lightings, and odd focuses too!, looked better often than the paintings...paintings in real life are kind of locked into whatever light is shining on them...usually soft indoor lighting...or unusually, over head lights like in a show or museum...paintings, I'm finding, can really be changed a lot by the light shining on them and taken in a photo...and, if I had the funds, I'd love to blow some of these little photo/paintings up and have them printed on canvas...that will lose the texture, and I suppose, the reality, of the paintings...but gain what the different lightings can painting could have many moods...these last few I've done where taken in bright enough light, but with a long come out to usual camera for pics has a low to using the other one, and kept with it, curious to see these long lens dark pics indoors...oh, I'll think on this and add some more for tomorrow's last cosmic seashell...actually, I'm two behind...and might make those up...Oh!...back from game and did shell...A's 5-2...Angels lost...couldn't get off the just five hits...left like nine on base...bases loaded once with two out...Trout skied one giving everyone hope for grand slam...but caught at the warning track...



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