Saturday, April 5, 2008

One Fawn at Bus Stop

Peddled over to the Post Office...then saw some tourists with their cameras out by the Bus Stop...if not for that I would have missed One Fawn with some Does...and Mama Doe....the inside of the leg has healed...but the lump on the outside is still there...and One Fawn clearly favors the leg...and was certainly not a part of the bunch that crossed the Merced!....lots of green grass in the meadows now...Deer food all the way to next snowfall...oh...snow could still come this season!...pic and clip of Golden Mantle Squirrel...saw two Buz Birds fly over Owl Woods...think I found a big nest..but it's hard to could just be where fallen needles and branches have gotten caught...haven't heard Owl...or seen making a collection of Song Sparrow songs...they have quite a repertory....sunny warm and blue...bracks showing on the on the old fruit trees....White Alders for a long while have had long seed like pods dangling...they were the first to sorta come alive...shrubs are getting green leaves...mountainmisery it's stickers!

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