Paddled over to the Post Office...shopped for a new watch at the Village...maybe I can find one I like online!...picked up an egg salad sandwich and went back to the Artist's Grove and sat awhile.....it's really quiet...critter wise...and really noisy!...construction wise!...did buy plush toy Great Horned Owl and Grey Squirrel...Xmas gifts...or I might keep them!...and a little wood flute...both Grinnell and Muir mention that whistling gets the attention of the Douglas Squirrels...which I cant find of late!...did see one Ground Squirrel today...thought they had all curled up for the Winter...couple times tried to get Grey Squirrel clip...saw a pair of, I think, Red Headed Kinglets at Chapel Bridge...too quick!...chasing one another!...looked for Owl on yesterday's perch...but gone today...heard Brown Creepers...saw a Flicker...and a Robin...Ravens are about...a flock of maybe Juncos flew high above with Sentinel as a Backdrop...wish I had gotten clip...this was out in Two Top Meadow...Black Phoebe there..and too back at Cook's...Blue Jays here and there...did see a Western Blue Bird yesterday....heard Ouzel...and saw a Downy...heard Downy's chatter too..I'm anxious to see the Kingfisher again and am mistaking its call!...heard Hawk which drew me across the Creek on the Round Stepping Stone Ford...of the two, I prefer going over the Twin Cedars!...kept my feet dry...sunny cool and blue...clip is from early December Yesteryear...a favorite!...and the Deer yesterday were doing much the same gamboling by the Perfect Dogwood...oh!...I did take a pic to post today...will put it up before I curl up!!..on the laptop at the moment...and the local news is not good for the Rooms for Rent in Siberia...the rockslide fear has permanently closed down about half of them...the pinch in employee housing may bring a crowd to Tree in the Door and the Backyard...sigh..
Oh...found the old Bridge Rivets test pics...I've been taking pics of the Bridge with the different cameras and lenses..and yesterday I did one with the minidigi...missing the pic with the bigdigi...I'll have to drag them all down to Creek's End on a sunny day and put them through their paces!...must say though..I hadn't resolved the graffitti until yesterday...sigh...
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