Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sleepy Owl

Went back to the Creek...a late start again!...made a left at the RipRap and up to the Bridge...right and across...then another right to the Deer House...and out to Chapel Bridge...and along the Merced...and over to the Woodpecker Tree...and three pretty German girls were trying to take pics of themselves with Falls and the Tree in the background...should be one of those Kodak Picture Spot signs thereabout!...asked me to take their pic with their 3x...and I obliged...and tried to explain the Acorn Woodpeckers..and all the holes..showing where an acorn was in one of them...and they asked, "Are you a Birdwatcher?"...I was flumoxed...but smiled and owned up to it!...tried for a pic of Woodpecker with an acorn...then picked up...and out the Boardwalk to the Road....and along the Road I hear one Blue Jay scolding...kinda halfheartedly...but I went over to the Cedar Blue Jay was in and thought to take a pic...and just happened to look left...'Oh...what's there?', I thought...I so often get fooled by Owl lookalike branches...and with the binocs...looked closer...and came unglued...Owl in the Daytime!...and in Sunlight!...took a quick pic and clip with the 12x which was on the tripod...then set it to video...and took pics with the new camera...thought to get closer..but the upward angle wouldn't be an improvement...did go side to side to get different background colors...very pretty with the gold oak leaves and blue sky and green mosses...Owl was really sound asleep...though now and then a movement and half open eyes...and Owl's head I tried to be quiet on the leaves and moved to the side where I could see...didn't realize Owl was sideways to me...and in the new spot took some more pics with the new camera...and...and I had completely forgot I had the minidigiscope along!...remembering and all thumbs again I struggled to set it quiet..and sight it on...took awhile...took a long while!...but I was the least of the rackety racket noises!...and I got the contraption to work..and it really works!!!...I was very lucky no one came over to see what I was doing...I got the clips I wanted with the mini digiscope...and a couple pics...looking back I would have liked more pics with it...missed getting a full front face pic with the minidigi...but I got to a point where I felt like it was time to go...and I picked up...walking away I could hear the Blue Jays coming back...and I went over to the Village to pick up lunch...tuna sandwich...and when I walked back...twenty minutes later?...Owl was still there...not to be disturbed, I thought...though I looked through the leaves for my lost lens cap for the scope...which is a very nice screw on one!...couldn't find it...and left it for a later visit...I wanted to see if Owl would still be there at Sunset....left Owl in peace and paddled back to the Deer House and had lunch at one of the Picnic Benches...then back the way I came to the Cabin..and to Last Chance...Does and their Buck were good clip of them gamboling...after snack at Last Chance caught the Shuttle back to the Village..and walked back to Owl's Oak...Owl was gone...but found the lens cap!...once again went out to Cook's and made the Big Loop...and then looped back to Owl Woods...sunset by now...and heard one Owl Woods Owl....sunny warm and blue...and a happy clam I am to happen on Owl in the Daytime!...not since two Springs ago have I seen Owl in Daytime..and back then I only had a 3x...a circumstance that motivated me to get the new cameras....and the digiscope contraption!...which I reiterate..really works!!'s warm for Fall...not quite cool enough for the of Mountain Lion in fact...warning flyers a good clip of Ravens at CAD beach too...and one last clip of Buck settled down for the night in Owl Woods...couldn't see in the dusk where all the Does and Fawns settled...
a link to talkabout about what links us all!

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