Monday, November 17, 2008

Raccoon and Ouzel

Paddled over to the Post Office...caught the Shuttle back and hopped off at Lower Falls...oh...before Breakfast a Doe and Buck were right behind the Cabin...and on the way to Last Chance I discovered some more and clips...later on the evening walk...and after getting control of the Cabin's dishevelment!...I found Ouzel....see clip...and at Sunset the Owl Woods Owls were hoo hooing...(Nat Geo on Moon show had a little clip...Moon with Owls hoo hoooing...just like the Moon Owls!!) pic though...I'm content with the Sentinel and Cottonwood Owl pics and clips...and dont pursue them so much as before! hearing them..and if they want to show themselves and pose I'm geared up!!...after dinner in the Village, Raccoon showed up...see clip...sunny warm and blue.

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