Sunday, November 9, 2008


Well...another clip didn't work...dont know what goes wrong.... (okay now)

Went to Creek's End to try the new mini digiscope...not a critter stirring!...cloudy and cold...everyone likely curled up! I just tried some experimental clips and pics sighting on Half Stump...I can reach out now and take clips of half of Half Stump....finished the walk by going out the Diversion Channel and back around to the Cabin...

In the Visitor Center is the 3d map...and in reading on line the old Nature Notes I found that one was made for the Museum when it was first opened...and I'm wondering if it is the same one...though the one now looks to be made of plastic..I dont think they had the material back then!...I'll have to study this out's depiction of the Creek has me wondering....the banks in the Diversion channel dont look like they've had a lot of river erosion...and it's loose stones....which reminds me...the Creek pushes a lot of gravel into the Merced...and the confluence is likely the shallowest point of the Merced's travel through the Valley...and it was really getting shallow until the rain!

Clip is of a Fawn resting and turning it's ears this way and that...and is from last early November....cloudy today and cool...clouds moving along the pics of note...and a short walk...tomorrow a day off...not much in the way of reports too...a few Deer here and there....a Skunk in Groveland!....

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