Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ouzel Rings

Power outage last no post Ring Tail Cat got into the electrics down aways in the Merced Canyon...Ouzel and White Headed Woodpecker clip is from yesterday's walk....heard Hawk...walk was just out to the Creek and Merced Riverbank...sits and a stretchout...very nice afternoon....keep trying for the little birds...but most pics blurry...some Owl pics and clip at yesterday's lunch walk (heard Hawk too)....and these were to be posted up, but ones up are from this evening's lunch walk...Owls were closer!!....Owl on Ponderoda Branch is CottonwoodOrAspen, I think!, and sighted by following call...Owl on Snag is Sentinel...walked right under on way back to work...and lucky to look up!...took five or six knockdown pics...when I get this close to Owl it's by accident....sunny hot blue, both days, with breeze....very dark walking back to the Cabin after work last night!....oh!...some sightings I skipped during last weeks...and shouldn't have!....a flight of Cranes above 395...would have really liked to have pic...the Elk thereabout in the Pastures....a lizard in the desert Hawk call today too....Bobcat report...(was asked if there are Lynx hereabout)...Kingfisher's call yeseterday at lunch....Bear report, near in Village....trying to remember what they come to mind!!

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