Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lunchtime Hawk

Took the BusTrain to Bakersfield Monday...(early that morning took some scenics of the Valley during walk out and back to the Village) ...lots of pics on the weekend trip...lots of Hawks!...and Woodducks! for sometime soon....came back on the TrainBus to the Valley this morning...a long day....realized at lunch that I hadn't taken a pic today....and went to the LunchSitLog at lunch (which is around dusk--dinner time for most!)...just as I rounded the Rooms, sighted Hawk, Cedar, perched high on a Snag above the Path....had the new camera with, and took some faraway pics in dim light....light rainy day hereabout...and maybe on the long TrainBus ride...cloudy whenever I looked out the windows between dozing....Snow still on the ground from Monday morning....saw Coyote, and maybe Raccoon tracks that morning by the Creek Bridge,....reports of Bald Eagle in the Merced Canyon by Savage's....and hereabout too by the Cabin, right overhead...'Ravens were terrified'....friend drives the Bus, and is from South Africa....thought to regale them with story of the Kestrels I'd seen, and was one upped with: 'I was a PhotogSafari guide for twelve years, do you know where Botswana is??"....and they told a tale of Falcons by a waterhole in the Namib desert...I was a bit flummoxed, but I think they were Pygmy's link to dream trip!:

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