Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oak Grove Hawk

Shuttled over to the Post Office, and while passing the Oak Grove, sighted Hawk high atop the Tallest Oak...just checked last year's posts, and I did post of same Hawk on January 2, 2009...same Tallest Oak too!!...veryvery cool!....I hopped off the Shuttle at the Visitor Center Stop, and trotted back to the Oaks...Hawk was still there...farfar away pics with the new camera...wanted to get back to the Post Office before it closed at noon, so left was drizzly rain and Hawk looked content to stay put...passing the Suburbs, heard another Hawk, sounded like Cedar, and looked about the Graveyard where the call came from...but no luck...walked towards the Post Office, and I may have imagined it, but I thought I heard a hoo hoooo coming from the Visitor center...checked all the Trees all around...would have liked to have checked the Roof!...but it may have been a fantasy!...finally reached the Post Office, closed, but package was small enough for my PO box, and retrieved it...paddled back to the Oak Grove...Hawk still perched...and angled out to the Elm across the Road...more pics...sat on the Fallen Elm, and opened the package...inside the hand painted Red Tail Hawk pin I found on ebay...pinned it to my hat!....crossed the Road....another pic of Hawk from the Appletree Path...and pic of Northern Flicker too!...light rain, snow rain late at work, cool, and almost snow coming down after work...fantastic report of Mountain Lion on the boulders by Lower's link to last year's Oak Grove Hawk...Hawk will henceforth be called "Oak!!"...a tourist in a car parked roiled down their window while I was taking pics...they thought Hawk a young Red Tail because of the dark chest feathers...maybe, Red Tail yes, but I'm not sure on the age bit....Hawk has the white top, and it is the same I think on Two Top Pine and in the Deer House Ponderosa, and too, same Hawk I saw last year several times!! Link:

It is the same branch! Open both pages and compare...that's too cool!!! And Oak is the sixth day of Hawk sightings!

And now I'm not sure what Hawk last years post there is one pic of Hawk with wings spread...and the wings look like Red Shoulder wings...and I thought then Hawk was Red Shoulder...wish I had better pics of today's Hawk!..both Hawk's look alike in many respects...but cant tell for certain if same...hmmph...

And this in the news:

1 comment:

yosemite faith said...

webcams are down so your pics are what give me an idea of what its like in the valley. very very cool about the 2 posts!