Sunday, January 8, 2017

OTI:four poems and notes:1/8/17

Open To Interpretation

Two Left Feet

Two left feet?
:) more like
Two right brains.
What's that?
Oh, and two left sharks.

Plot Holes

Plot holes
Pot holes
They'll jostle
Your suspension
Of disbelief!

Old And Young

Easy enough to see
Old in old,
Young in young,
Not so easy,
Young in old,
Old in young.


"I've made light of it,
Glauce," said Jason,
"But my time inside Medea's
Helios' Chariot Dragon's gullet
Was a terror.
My knees weaken to
See this northern land's
Array of  Black Dragon Towers."
"Is Athena with us?" said Glauce,
"As when she tickled that
Dragon's throat, fearless,
And the Dragon up chucked you?"
"I don't know," said Jason,
"Far away from everywhere
We seem,
And Orpheus has no songs
For this remote peradventure."
"Medea dead,
My father will be satisfied."
Said Glauce,
"We've dragged the
Golden Fleece about
For Medea, and Athena,
For a witch and a goddess."
"Who some purpose had. "
Said Jason.
"My father wants only revenge."
Said Glauce,
"Would we have it
Medea's head wrapped in the Fleece?
An echo of Medusa?
Is that our song?
Another "Perseus?""
"We haven't shaken Medea's
Gaze," said Jason,
"But we live
And not as Dragon gullet stones.
Orpheus, help us arouse
The talking plank in the Argo's prow
And bring Athena's attention."
Orpheus played his lyre
And the Dodona plank awoke,
"Much I can,
But two places at once
Are too nearly distant."
"We would that Creon's heart
Would soften," said Jason,
"Hardened as it was by Medea.
He drags us along,
And we no longer sing with him."
"I sent you not," said Athena,
"But now that you are there,
It importunes;
The Sword and Sandals
Now your purposed care.
Old men rail to the end
With child's fists.
Creon cannot strike you all
Standing together.
Seen once,
Terrors fear mirror,
Seen twice,
Terrors fear shatter."


Notes: Plot Holes!...I didn't know the name for such, though as often as all I've bumped along over in around them!...this is too funny...brb...


Gary Larson discussed the question with regard to his comic strip, The Far Side; he noted that readers wrote him to complain that a male mosquito referred to his job sucking blood when it is in fact the females that drain blood, but that the same readers accepted that the mosquitoes live in houses, wear clothes, and speak English.



While many stories have unanswered questions, unlikely events or chance occurrences, a plot hole is one that is essential to the story's outcome. Plot holes are usually seen as weaknesses or flaws in a story. However, certain genres (and some media) that require or allow suspension of disbelief—especially action, comedy, fantasy, and horror—are more tolerant towards plot holes.


I see the 'lifts' as I go along, but often unsure where they came from...a dim suspicion made me cross reference Onyx and Petra meeting at the Dragon Tower Door with the scene in Raiders of the Lost Arc when Indiana Jones walks into Miriam's tavern...just so...and Miriam running around the streets of Cairo in pantaloons and Captain's garb just so too! prime has available now Raiders, so I watched it last night...I knew when I saw first the movie that Spielberg was 'lifting' from all over...Indie and Miriam tied to the pole with their eye's shut, lifted from Odysseus tied to the mast with his ears plugged...which I lifted, and noted, with Creon/Tutor and Glauce/Nurse holding fast to one another, like 'Odysseus to the mast' when the angry throng descends on them...Indie and Miriam closing their eyes is a 'plot hole' a snippet of a deleted portion of scene, when the soothsayer is eyeing and explaining the brass medallion, he adds to keep ones eyes closed when opening the Arc...the hole is how did Indie know to tell Miriam?, which  the deleted scene explained...a google search brings up all kinds of plot holes...I've gone over such inconsistencies and head scratchers in Midnight Movie posts, as in Hitchcock's movies...and just generally, rail against plot holes all the time, unavoidable as they are in 'some media'!...oh, 'Athene' can be spelled with 'e' for ending, I think, but in keeping with the spellcheckers red line, I've begun ending Athena with 'a'...spelling is like spackling...some sharp eyes always pick out where the picture hung...



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