Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bear And Two Cubs

Went back to the Creek, and sat on the bank by the Pool...hoped to hear Kingfisher....and sighted Mama Bear with Two Cubs on the opposite shore of the Merced...took a handheld clip...and then put the 20x on the tripod while the Bears were drinking....which they didn't do long enough!...missed with the camera their getting in the River...but did see clip of some of their swimming across...very cool to see Bear with Cubs at Creek's End!! the time I got to the Diversion Channel, up which I think they went, I'd lost touch...walked up the Channel a bit, slowly, and making sure I had long clear views!....I likely could have found Bear, but I would have had to go into the Trees or High Grasses...not the best thing to do, so left off and went back to the Creek...sat awhile a Creek's End....shady and cool...but the day was still sunny hot blue...during lunch at work, figured out that in thirty minutes I can make it to the Creek, and other familiar spots, have a snack, and make it back to work in time...this will be important when sunset and lunch time coincide...I can check on Owl!...took pic and clip of Mama Doe and One Fawn on this juant....Moonlight reported she ate a June bug...tasted like Molasses...'What did it look like?'....'Brown...with like orange and white stripes.'....'Oh! You ate a Ten Striped June Bug! Raw?'....'Of course not, I cooked it.' of Mama Doe and Two Fawns way over in the Indian Village...


Jeannette said...

Hello David, love the bears in the water. 30 minutes for lunch and you spend it tracking down your friends.

DavidDavid said...

Owl Woods has been very quiet...but hopefully in late September I'll begin hearing Owl again...