Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ten Mile River Ospreys

So...Yesterday, having picked up snack, and the Sky blueblue, I was rolling back to Deer Tracks Beach in hopes of getting pics and clips of Osprey catching fish from the Surf...nearing a Long Bridge over the Ten Mile River, I sighted Big Wings, Osprey, soaring over the Dunes on the other side of the Road, where, fortunately, there was a large Turn Out, a staging area for Road Equipment, I think...no traffic behind me, so made a left, parked, took the key out of the ignition (I have no back up key!), got the newer camera, and the binocs, unhooked the seat belt, the straw hat with wide shade brim, and clambered out!!..of course, after all this rigmarole, critters I sight are often out of sight by the time I'm standing!...but Osprey was still overhead, and with Fish in Claws!...Osprey flew over the Road, and over Knoll where I had just been, and down into Tree Tops...Oh! I thought, wish there was some way over there!...returned everything, and myself, into Silver, and Rolled over to the turn out exit, and would have continued North, but saw on the other side of the Road, a spur Road, much hidden by Plants and Trees, that did go the direction Osprey had gone...crossed over, and rolled down aways, and found myself on Road that parallels Ten Mile River, and was sharing Road with Logging Trucks!...and sighted Osprey Nest atop a magnificent Snag...and Ospreys about...tending to Fledgling, I think...clip up is Fledgling on Nest...have pics of Mama Osprey...for sometime soon!...and I was a happy clam...picked up, and went back to the Turn Out, with the thought that maybe over the Dune there was the Ocean, and Ospreys would be fishing thereabout...parked again, and found some signs telling about the area, the Bridge, Ten Mile River, and what was over the Dune--more Dunes!..and an almost Desert Like Terrain with Ocean far in the distance...the rest of the early afternoon I spent exploring hereabout--pics and clips for report soon on Ten Mile River!!!...very cool place!!!...Today: rolled back to the Valley...stopped at Ft. Ross...report for sometime...some sightings, mostly Hawks...one report for sometime from the trips will just be the Hawks I saw...I didn't see many Hawks, but each was in a very distinct, and different terrain!!...sunny blueblue after very early overcast, warm...after dinner, and long visit with friends, paddled back to Creek's End...River down a lot, but still a lot of Water...and Mosquitoes...didn't sit awhile, and returned to Cabin with snack, and snacked, with tv on, computers on, and myself, dozing off!!...sleepysleepy...tomorrowmorrow....

First trip is like journey to the Moon,
Second,  making base camp at Mt. Everest.
Third, almost like home,
Fourth, a commute...

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