Thursday, July 7, 2011

Three Fawns

Pics from yesterday....Pregnant Doe, with Two Yearling Fawns, that I have often seen of late on the Sunrise walks in Bobcat Meadow, friend reports gave birth to Three Fawns on the Fourth of July....yesterday during morning walk, I sighted Fawns and Doe behind the Rooms...sighted again today on way to work, but only saw Two Fawns...another Pregnant Doe has been about, and Two Fawns go with this Doe, will take some sorting out!...but very cool to see Fawns about internet connection was down last night...some discussion with the faraway service workers this morning, and that after some discussion with the robotic voice, which I dont get along with at all!....anyway, things okay tonight....this morning out and about early to look for Doe and Fawns, and then sighted on way to work, without camera along, so returned to Cabin, and with camera, some pics for sometime...and a bit late to work!....sunny blueblue humid hothot, at work, ac yesterday went south, not much better today, and, well, it's going to be a long work week!! of Bear by Sentinel Bridge....Merced still over the Ozone's been High Water for months!!

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