Thursday, June 9, 2016

OTI:eleven poems and notes/6/9/16

Open To Interpretation


If you see
Just a few of me,
Even only a haiku of me,
That's fine.
I never thought to send
You reading all of me
From beginning to end.


I bet you hadn't thought
To have to be so smart
To read your part,
But where would effort I took go?
So, don't fail yours
And close my play,
And lose effort's effortless day.


Do I dissemble?
Return to my case?
Donate all to charity?
I want to be generous,
Give all I have to you.
Is that selfishness?


I'm dust on the road
Kicked up by the passage of your sedan.
What potter's spinning wheel can raise me up
That you can note
I princely sparkle in the sun?


Once a week the street sweeper sweeps
Machinely rumbling by
One way,
The other way.
Would it could allay
These interim days of despair.


What do you have there?
Cradled tenderly in your hands?
Some bees' black waxed encaustic
Hand held holy icon?
Lemme see...
Oh, it's me!


What do you see in me?
I in you?
You too.


We got no heavy cannons,
We left them ashore.
On this black ocean we sail
We need to be light.


I know you're there,
Over the tide pool I stare and stare,
The surrounding colors
Like the swirl of the incoming  surf
While I look and look...
Now  I can report your movements
While I was here!


It's all I can manage,
A whisper of sound,
A glimmer of light,
A simmer of heat,
What could be dumber!


I sit on the bed edge
And un-bridal.
Keys, wallet, goggles,
Set on the night table.
Time for a nap.


Notes: I ought not to have to apologize for replica happened in Smart with 'effort's effortless'...there's a whole religion that taots that...coincidence!...I really really like's like it's not even mine, or anyone's, more like from the Earth....What?...beginning notion was of a musical instrument being taken apart and put away in its case and given away to charity...I don't know what happened!...Dust...anything with a 'potter's wheel' is Sufi stuff...Interim...Thursday is street sweeper day hereabout...and machinely should be a word...or at least not need red underline!...Icon...there is a name for small religious icon paintings, but couldn't find it...iphone icons have icons! I can find...Too...I really really really like this one!...Cannons...of the Black Ship conceit...kind of a goof, kind of dead on....Octopus...too many self congratulatory superlatives brings a tear...Dumb...and needed to self depreciate deflate a bit...Nap...and take some down time for the day!



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