Thursday, June 30, 2016

OTI:two poems and notes:6/29/16

Open To Interpretation


Oh, I guess it's wrong,
You know?
But it's what photogs do.
We gear up, hike a trail,
See what's to see,
Tourist or pro,
Where ever we go
Never a part of the fauna and flora
Always apart
Observing, recording.
So so
Even empty handed
My gear sets up in my head
And I'll persuade you to pose
Until taken
We chase about like happy squirrels,
The gear unattended,
Still clicking.

Picasso's Wives

Picasso's wives and girlfriends
We're his models.
To his wives and girlfriends
What was Picasso?


Notes: well, I'm puzzled myself by Photog...photog is slang/short for tried to imagine some more poems thereabout, but just got as far as Picasso...Picasso often imagined the motif of artist and's a common motif!...but I  googled 'Picasso's wives' and found this site:


His graphic work also chronicles his life, particularly his relationships with his wives and other loves and, in his final years, his imagined relationships.


Looking at this site, I wondered over Picasso's famous abstraction, it's not that abstract, each piece always has the sense of the subject centered as in any frame in a comic strip, and his composition is absolutely conventional--go figure!...oh...I'd forgotten Picasso wrote poems...publisher New Directions, I think, had a series of little books of poets...looking about I can't find it...there's sites that go on about his poems...there's sites going on about everything of the A-list's famous!...


Picasso did not take the craft seriously until 1935 when at the age of fifty-three he began writing poems almost every day until the summer of 1959. Picasso started writing at a moment of crisis when he claimed he had given up painting after his wife Olga Khokhlova had left him and a messy divorce seemed imminent.




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