Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hawk and Picket Pin

Well...I got up to the Meadows after all....seemed the thing to do!...on the Dirt Road to Soda I start the Meadow Walkabouts!....I thought I saw a Hawk way over by Tioga Road...and in the grasses....was looking with the luck...but then over head I saw Hawk...and through the binocs Hawk looked like a Falcon!...wish I'd taken a the next moment I saw another Hawk soaring over the Pine covered ridge behind Lembert Dome...lost track of them both...and paddled out to Sept Bridge...sat awhile until some horse riders approached...they stuck to the wide dirt road like Path that goes to the visitor center...and I mention this because way back in June...when the Meadows were very wet...some yahoo rode their horse on the use Path between the Bridge and the Store....and the hoof horseshoe prints are still indented in the Meadow!...hmmph!....I left the Bridge before the horses got there...and paddled out in the Meadow to a likely Picket Pin home...finally found one poking it's nose out of a burrow...and disappearing into it!....but I set up the digiscope and focused it on the burrow entrance...and waitedwaited...(I just came home with a muffin advertised as "chocolate chocolate"...hmmph..double words are an old notion of mine!)....and I lookedlooked!...for Hawks!...but the beautiful cloud filled sky was empty...and no Pin...until finally one showed up on a nearby I had to re focus...meantime Pin scurried I waitedwaited...and finally Pin hopped up on the rock...and I got the bouncy blurry hurricane clip! least I got it...meanwhile...way out on one of the Paths a lady with a wide brim hat was skygazing...with the binocs I looked about and found Hawk...and got two pics....Redtail I believe...watched Hawk a bit through the binocs..soaring with the clouds for background...very cool!!...the Summer task of getting a Picket Pin clip and Hawk pic was successful!...sorta...woulda liked Hawk to light somewhere!...and need a less windy day for Picket Pin!....the Hiker's Bus will take me up next weekend...after that..I dunno h0w I'll get there....would like to go until the snow closes the road!...Double A clouds over the Meadows and Peaks...wonderful afternoon...Raven clip too for sometime!
Back in the Valley I paddled in a hurry over to the Post Office...then took the Shuttle to Siberia...had Pizza...then a leisurely walk back...touching base at various places to see if any Critters about...pretty quiet...watched Flicker on ground through the binocs...finally ended up at the Twig...the spot beside the Merced I've sat the last three evenings...and one little Merganser came by...and then three Mallards going the other upstream way...clips for of five minutes of rain hereabouts...but it's cooled least for a day!

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