Monday, September 1, 2008

Tuolumne Hawks

Well...the Hawks were high up in the Magnificent Blue Sky....Redtails I believe....I was walking towards the Visitor Center along the path that connects to Soda Springs when I saw them...I was wondering where Hawk was!....every other Summer this time about I've seen Hawk floating above this path....would have been nice if they'd perched nearby!...but they split gliding above Tioga Road towards Pothole Dome....I took the Hiker's Bus up just for the day...or would have spent all day waiting for them to come about again!...

Tried the Digiscope on a Marmot...(they hang out on boulders near the road to Soda Springs)...and a Picket Pin....but it's tough to aim it! zooms in so close...and there was lots of foottraffic and cartraffic on this route...patient as Picket Pin and Marmot were I never did get a good clip or pic!...I went into a funk and went and sat by Sept. Bridge!....put the scope in the pack and just gazed..sometimes with the binocs looking for Hawk....a fine blue sky day!....picked up and set out to the Visitor Center....this when I saw the Hawks....after seeing the Hawks I happened on two young Bucks...almost twins judging from their antlers! and there got some pics of the little birds....napped most of the time on Bus ride back to the Valley...I almost didn't get out in the morning! groggy from staying up late!....napped when I got home...then out for a walk...Woodpecker clip...and a Buck in Cook's...then over to Siberia for's getting dark earlier! before noon at the Meadows...but warmed up....could see the Hawk real well with the binocs....clip is too tiny!...

Oh...Nikon is coming out with a new dslr...over 12 megapixels...and it does getting this Monte!?...I'm almost certain to acquire one...they're not out yet..only pre order on has a different format than avi...jpeg HD I think they call it...and I'm wondering if it has sound!...and if I'll need a monster computer to process the video and pics!!

Oh! has avi....and sound...and global positioning!....something very usefull in reporting the fauna and flora!!...what to do what to do!...Nikon doesn't have the equivelant of the Canon diffraction optical lens I used that one day...anything less than 12x is almost useless....18x takes one into most of the Critter's "nervous circles"...without making them skittish!....except the Illusive Bird!...Canon will make one of these...Canon will make one of these...Canon will make one of these....clicking my boot heels!

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