Sunday, September 6, 2009

Owl on Lower Ponderosa Branch
Thought tomorrow is Hawk Day...and thought about where to go...but it's actually today, I learn on checking old posts, and calendar!!...and should be the fifth I guess...the day I saw Zeke...anyway...a walkabout day much worth remembering...I date the blog from this day when I saw Zeke on the Snag by the Pond...I'm thinking now what kept Zeke perched, was the nearby Duck...since, I've noted how Raptors, and Bobcats!, focus on prey and shut out everything else....I'm still thinking about where to go tomorrow...road to Tuolumne may still be closed....and will learn it's status in the morning...and then decide!!....Owl was perched on the same Ponderosa as yesterday...another lunch time fact, sat and had a cookie and apple juice and watched...Owl was sleepy, but clearly alert to movement in the Woods' clearing....couldn't get closer...too much open just sat on a small log, taking a pic or clip now and then...for sometime....sunny hot and clear blue! of Bear in the Merced, nearabout El Cap...jam almost caused of wide area of blackened forest from the fire...maybe see myself tomorrow....summer tourist season over...whew!!...oh...I did go for a short walk...and back to the Pond...sat awhile...and even checked the Snag...and even remembered a bit the places I've seen Hawk, and the critters thereabout...Bear Cub crossing Creek's End and starting up Lodgepole Point with Mama Bear close behind, a was quiet today...just a clip of the sunlight sparkling on the Merced and Tree leaves; breeze rustling the leaves....and the River and Creek....

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