Monday, December 14, 2009

Woodpecker And Hawk

After Breakfast...and a nap...paddled over to the Post Office...had lunch in the Village...hotdog, orange juice, hershys....and Shuttled back to Lower Falls....out through Bobcat Meadow and over Chapel Bridge...was just aways past Cottonwood Beach on the Use Path when I heard Hawk calling across Chapel Meadow somewhere in the Pines by the Chapel...wanted to go back to the Path and then over, but I might lose sight if Hawk straight across the Meadow I went...the surface of the Snow is solid enough to hold ones weight, for like a second, then one it was a tough slog over to the Road for almost ten minutes listening anxiously to Hawk...just as I crossed the Road, Hawk appeared flying overhead, and perched in a large Ponderosa just down the Road a with the new camera...had set up the digi, but Hawk flew to another Pine's low snag, on the Meadow side...pic and clip up...tried to get closer, but Hawk moved over to the Tree Line by the Merced...clip...and then Hawk perched in the Cottonwoods by CAD Beach...this is the hoped for setting!...the River and Falls for background....I went up the Path far enough for the Sun to be at my back, and the Falls in the Background...and was doing a clip...when one carload of tourists...the only one on the Road...unloaded, and the occupants came over to looksee...and Hawk flew off before I could get pics...tried to follow, but diverted by Downy up....walked along the River through the Cottonwood Grove to Creek's End...Hawk gone somewhere...and found a seat on a Log halfway between Creek's End and Chapel Bridge...sat awhile...ate the hershys...Ouzel showed up...clip...picked up and over to the Bridge, and this time took the Path to the Road, and on around on the Big Loop to Swinging Bridge and Two Top Pine Meadow...quiet...Juncos just the other side of the Bridge...Little Birds are often in this area...stepped over the Split Rail Fence, and walked along the River to Ozone Beach...scenic pics...and through Owl Woods in the Diversion Channel...Acorn Woodpeckers in their Snag by the Rooms...two or three Deer tracks in the Channel...took a seat on Owl Log until last light on Half Dome...Ravens overhead...two Mallards in flight headed downstream...and heard Kingfisher up towards Chapel Bridge...sunny blue cool....mists rising, and coming off the Cottonwoods...have clip of that for sometime...Hawk looks to be the Young Red Shoulder...recognized Hawk's call as it's just a bit weaker than the adult Red Shoulder!....last week I couldn't imagine how things look with the, it seems like it's always here...and indeed will be for awhile!...oh!...heard Pileated Woodpecker somewhere over the Creek when I was on far side of Merced...

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