Saturday, August 19, 2017

OTI:one poem and notes:8/19/17

Open To Interpretation


I have a harem of lovely cashiers,
Possibly as many as too many,
And when our vast fast food heaven time nears,
Shyly as first loves we get all smiley

Exchanging over counters our delights
With ritual responsibility.
Done, we move on with our goodbyes' last sights--
To each our now owned possibility.

But wait!  Through the hot dog stand driving through
I overhear your name while turned away
And along with that wide smile from you
I now return to someone known each day.

Oh, in these random hell or heaven queues,
In some lines I find providential ewes.


Notes:...update: changed 'ewes' to 'clues'...and thought of "Oh, I, in these random hell heaven queues, In some lines find providential ewes' clues."...and providential had been preferential...and, updateupdate, changed clues back to ewes....hmmph...sometimes 'sense' is on the run!...MidnightMovies...rolled over to see..brb...movieLoganLucky2017 with British actor Daniel Craig a bit out of movie...I just saw Daniel in...brb...tvseriesArchangel2005 on amazon or amazon's hbo...he can carry a movie, kind of like a point guard can carry a basketball he was out of place in Logan...Archangel is a cautionary tale fit for today's news...and oddly I just saw a story that statues of Stalin are going up in Russia, and some Russian patriots are threatening the European nations now free of soviet rule to not take down statues commemorating Russian wonders what dwells under the guise of patriotism world wide...the scenes of Russia in Archangel are very cool...brb...and it was filmed in Russia......'Harem'...sometimes I just go where the rhymes take me!....oh, after seeing Logan Lucky, thought to go to old town GG for Mexican food dinner...should have, but diverted to the outdoor theater thereabout for SOC's production of Shakespeare's Henry IV Part 1...brb...yes, that was it...I left at intermission...bit cold, and I, being a bit deaf I guess, couldn't follow...I want to say Shakespeare writes poetry and the actors had no idea how to deliver poetry...but what do I know...but it was a semi pro performance...and with a lot of high school kids in supporting, a good thing...and they have no budget for stage or costumes...I'll study out Henry IV, which I tried to do in school, and that a long while back!...and go see it all the way through...



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