Saturday, September 12, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Aliso Beach


Notes: Rockies 8-4 over the Angels yesterday...Angels are in Colorado, where I think it snowed two days back...out and back to Aliso Beach...left like 5:30 am, so drove by the Shake Shack too early for breakfast...doesn't open until 7am...but discovered a Jack-in-the-Box in the middle of Laguna Beach...early hours snacking solved!...continued on to Aliso Beach, again put a few hours on the parking meter...and, and again  just did one sketch, and that just through the wasn't that cold, but I forgot a second layer of snacked, a too giant grande burrito, and a large coffee...and thought about what was right before was in keeping with my meditations on the way 'out'...on hikes, on rollabouts, there's like a long 'down' time, just trudging along, driving along...not much else to do but meditate!...sometimes, sometimes, I can do that really really well, and when I arrive, and come out of my reverie, it's like no time has passed at all, like waking up from a dream!...oh, that a too far reach...anyway, I thought and thought about 'motifs' on the way to the beach...with my water colors in the Valley I was beginning to stylize the Ponderosa pine needles...they're always like a little globe made of the needles, and I would make an arc, or circle, and draw lines from the center point...even with the brush in the final painting...I was moving to just stylizing everything, kind of thing ones sees in "primitive' paintings...Gauguin's...but I diverted to photography!...and the idea went to sleep...sometimes i5t wakes up during Stradeasel's and Inktober's two art months!..I'm doing it currently in the charcoals with the palm trees all the time...what I'm about is like making a lexicon of my own motifs!, soh with that in mind, the view thru the windshield presented a row of beach motifs...a drinking fountain, for kids and grown ups; an outdoor shower pole, a street light, two palm trees, the life guard stand, the ocean with horizon, the sky, the sidewalk, the curb bumpers, and, and two sea gulls!...even the ladder, the windows (which were shuttered-I opened them) are hieroglyphs in a lexicon, a vocabulary...oh, I was looking at my sketch from Salt Creek, at Zack's snack shack, atop the...OH!...a zig zagging ramp going up from the beach...a Z motif echoed, harked to, in the name Zack's first letter one may notice this...I didn't...but, our memories, our creative side, sees and remembers when one forgets a's has it, but just can't grasp it...Mind Detecting I thought to call it on the way back meditating!...walking along the beach with a metal detector, the buzzer goes off when some treasure is beneath the sand...I don't know why I choose one scene over another, looking for a composition...some alarm goes writing: as one goes along, each word chosen for its 'composition'...anyway, I left off, and hurried home, as I wanted to get my Akaso go pro like camera up and running...I've been meaning to have it old cameras do video, but I don't know if their formats are current...and I can wear the Akaso on my head while I draw and paint...which is what I've wanted to do all along, like umpteen million other artist vloggers on youtube!'s editor seems to have accepted the clip I finally got onto the computer...I had two usb cables on the computer table and connected the one not connected to the computer to the Akaso...much worry trying to find why it wouldn't connect like my cameras!...I put the link to the yt clip above...I could embed the whole video here...well, wait...brb...bk...well, I can...use bloggers editor...but I cant find the file I saved the Premier compiling in...found it!..well, blogger says it's processing....oh...done?!...

brb...I'll post this and see if all's well...all's well!...last I did clip uploads, they took hours!...I live in a cave...



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