Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Doheney State Beach


Notes:   Game on...on the radio...Angels at Rangers...bottom of fifth...Rangers 6-2...bases loaded...rolled out to Shake Shake for breakfast just as it operned, 7am...overcast, almost foggy, and when the Sun came up it was an orange sunset ball even high over the horizon-fires everywhere...explored some of the side streets in Laguna...they stem off from Hwy One and often end at an overlook over a Cove, with benches to sit...Diamond Street goes to Moss Cove, popular SCUBA dive these location, one gets to the beach going down a long flight of steps...couldn't picture myself coming back up the steps, so out of shape I am from shutdown, soh, continued to Doheney State Park...much of Doheny turned into Dana Point Harbor...from visits as a kid, I can remember what it was like before...a favorite Sunday picnic destination...lots of tide pools, and so flat, shallow, one could walk way out knee deep...feet squishing sea, what's left, is really popular with surfers...the waves have good shape from the shallow bottom...did a sketch, and watched the surfers...all dressed in black wet suits, with their iconic boards, they lend themselves to figure drawing...almost every pose they do, even just walking around, looks cool...something about the maintaining their balance once standing...too, just their floating, paddling, about to anticipate waves...anyway, did a sketch, and the sky so gloomy, returned home...had thought to make a long day of it...working up to that, bit by bit my legs stronger, and not short of breath negotiating the steeps!...bbk for game wrap...



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