Saturday, September 26, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Aliso Beach, South Bluff Rocks and Surf


Notes: out and back to Aliso Beach...put two hours on the parking meter ticket, snacked JackintheBox #21 and coffee...thought on the way was to study the rocks and waves...this a sometime from the first day...just ocean, sky, waves, rocks, sand...I've begin counting up the things in a view!...elements, shapes...unbeknownst, I aligned the two foreground wave fronts...squinting, or looking at tiny thumbnail, they make a slant line in the middle of pic...a what to do what to do, as it actually helps give a sense of the waves coming in...watching them, they're all over the place...and, and I tried Blick's archival student charcoal drawing's like all the other 'archival' papers...too white, too smooth, with a weird canvas grid like tooth to it...dont like 'm...Strathmore's newsprint is like the best for charcoal...MiTientes,  the same size pastel papers, are almost like the newsprint...I have a couple blank MiTientes sheets somewhere...I can go on and on about the hunt for an archival charcoal ground as good as thing, really expensive board or paper freezes one up with anxiety...unless one can throw economic caution to the wind!...used another brand of charcoal than General's sticks too...too soft too coarse...General's charcoal sticks are like unique!...and the NuPastel sticks a close relation...anyway, I'm closer to making a plein air oil of those rocks and surf...there's a gauche of the scene on the web that's spot on...see if I can link...brb...see google search, All and Images: Mike Hernandez, Aliso Beach Laguna 8x10 gouache...



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