Saturday, September 19, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Palace, Aliso Beach


Notes: out after Sunup...late for "work", sorta speak...arrived at Aliso Beach around 7:30 am...paid for parking, then a quick forth and back to JackintheBox...sausage crousant, hash brown patty, large coffee....snacked back at the parking lot...I thought to flipflop around the South Bluff and charcoal sketch the Anthropomorphic Rock...tide was in though...what to do what to do...I cleaned and organized the gear and Silver, my Jeep's, interior...put each media's stuff in different five gallon buckets...and grabbed the inkwash, and watercolors, the Canson plein air pad (a terrific, thick paper ground), the folding chair, and, and joined the crowd...folk all up and down the beach by like's Saturday...sunny  blue...the Palace scene just doesn't lend itself to light and shadow!...which is what I tried to capture with the battery died, so no reference pics...but it's the same scene viewed on Day One...and all my India ink bottles were dried up...finally found one...but no nibs with, so used the bamboo's nice, not fussy, and my handshaking goes with it!...each time I close study a scene, I get closer...and the beachgoers with their poses and umbrellas and chairs, are now in the, soh, this is the routine to be: first day, scout and charcoal sketch, second day, black inkwash, pen ink watercolor, third day, acrylic full size, full on, fourth day, the oil masterpiece!...all on site, all plein air...and then do a studio one, and a transparent watercolor one...I can't ever see being done, especially with plein air anything...oh, folk commenting, looking over my shoulder, I realize, is no worse than the chit chat in art class, and in truth, I miss that...talkabouts are nice...onward!...Angels won yesterday, over DBacks, I think...



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