Monday, September 14, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Shake Shack


Notes:  As I go along, things come to me, ideas and when doing a 5x7 plein air oil, it might help to have the subject way way in the distance, and so pre-miniaturized!...the north view of Aliso Beach bluffs from the parking lot...bottom pics...another idea was to just sit in Silver. my Jeep, and use the steering wheel as an easel!...too much...the passenger seats are gone from Silver to make room for Maya, my, now they're like my studio's storage: three home depot orange buckets, one with oil stuff, one with watercolor/drawing stuff, one with acrylic stuff...then there's the big newprint pad with drawing board, the french easel, another bucket for trash...I realized I even had a carabiner clip on a strap hanging from the roll bar, a rig to keep Maya from bounding about...I used that to hang the thinner pot from, and I was on my way with the little experiment, the 5/7 North Aliso oil...I sketched the design with charcoal, blocked in the big color areas, left white around like the palms...once I painted them, and like the outcrops, I went back with tiny brush to put the sky between the palms, and outcrops, then fussed with things to blend...still unfinished around the palms, and much else...left off, as I thought, success!...I have it!...painted straight to the canvas, no preliminary anythings!...oils work so well at the tiny tiny scale, and stay wet...a shame to even use them for big paintings-those better served by house paint, and house painters!...I wish I had thought of using Silver for a studio while in the Valley, even better, the old VW Camper Bus I was trying to restore...lots of places to view things from the windows...if ever in the plight of no studio/work space again, I know the fix...I could live like a gypsy selling paintings made on the road!...too much!...



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