Monday, September 21, 2020

Oak St. Overview:OTI::pics,notes:::9/21/20

Open To Interpretation

Oak Street Overlook, Laguna Beach

Aliso Beach south


Notes: rolled out late afternoon...wanted to see sunset...found parking at Oak Street, did sketch from the overlook benches...continued on to Aliso...wanted to see late afternoon light on the Palace and the rocks, palms, plants and such...a few sketched rocks look like aren't hard to do...I just lose patience trying to sort them! shoot in progress...Aliso is a shore when a set comes in, and one is thinking the waves a nothing burger, if a large wave of the set rolls up around knee high, the receding water will knock one off one's feet, and a tumble roll into deep, soh, a refrain is parents taking their tiny tiny kids down to what they think is the water's edge...the edge is where the last wave left its mark!...they go to far, and wop!, their toddler knocked over, and rescued by a quick grab for a flailing arm...oh, the kids are in tears, and traumatized for life regarding the ocean!...found a stylized way to do waves with the charcoal stick...a big thing!...left to stylize is the ground hugging plants, spear plants, lots of different things...a puzzle...they're right in front of me when I Aliso visit, a plant study...the snack bar at Aliso opens at was closing when I arrived around 5pm...I think it's called The Lost Pier...Aliso once had a really neat the ramp finished for Maya my dog to clamber up into the pickup bed with camper of the White Truck...this a much delayed project...thought of all kinds of ramps, commercial ones considered...settled on two pine planks together with an outdoor carpet contact cemented for paw grip...and, got a new escape proof, I think, has two sets of body straps...Maya doesn't know what she is in for, but if the ramp and harness work, she'll be along on the out and backs!...



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