Friday, September 25, 2020


Open To Interpretation

Crystal Cove State Park


Notes: out and back late morning to Crystal Cove, State Park...driving back on Hwy One thereabout yesterday, Redtail Hawk overhead calling calling screeee screeee...looked out the window, a wonder as I was in heavy fifty mile an hour traffic...and noted the dark patches at the underside wing, soh,  went to Crystal Cove's a walk from parking to the bluffs, and then down steep slope path...been a wonder if I can get back up such!...kept things light, just took the small drawing board and the green folding chair....I charcoal sketched the North (labled south in drawing) Bluff, not really realizing how neat it is until I got home and saw the zoomed in photo...the South Bluffs' view I've done before, last September?, but from the bluff south of the bluff I was on-view spot with signs and benches, I mean...I was at the North edge of the Park...the Village and Shake Shack are at the South end...hoped to see Hawk, but no luck...but I did make it back up the slope, in the heat no less-about eighty I'd say...studied the waves...they're like clouds,,,like the fog bank in yesterday's oil!...last night looking at Monet and Turner London fogs (youtube is providing me with old artists and thousands of their paintings)...bluffs too...everyone does bluffs...



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