Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bucks and Hawk

Morning was kinda hectic what with a plumbing problem and making an itunes download for a friend and with just fifteen minutes for the walkabout I went to the Creek and right away saw the Young Buck resting...set up the camera and took some pics (all blurry as the focus grabbed what was behind him) and then just happened to look to my right...and there was the Broken Antler Buck resting...about six feet away...almost stepped on him!!...and normally I wont try to get anywhere this near the critters...that's what the long lens is for!!..but I took some pics...and from different angles as the background was blocking out badly..but got a couple I can work with in photoshop...and I was happy with these...went back and got dressed for work...and on the walk over I saw a photog next to the tourist dwellings low to the ground with a really long and likely very expensive lens!...and I just said, "Oh, I know what you're doing, leme go home and get my stuff!....and I got back in time to get some pics and clips of young Redtail Hawk...tourist and photogs kept coming by...and I must say I can be a bit like a fussy movie director demanding quiet on the set!!

Clear a bit this pics of snow up on the rim...a wisp of a Falls now..kinda neat really as it gives scale to the Falls Wall...snowed a little later..nice to look at through the big windows...and coming home tonight the wind kicked up...the Cedar makes the Cabin creek...

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