Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter Ouzel

Walked to the Post Office taking the short cut through the Creek...a friend was walking down the middle of the road avoiding the detour..."This way.." I told him, "make a little left and go across the Creek."...someones going to get run over...after the Post Office thought to take bus back but bus going the other way came and I had time so I clambered on and took a window seat and listened to the tourist while watching for critters..did the whole loop and got off at Lower Falls so to walk over to Owl Log...near where I took this pic of Ouzel...which I kinda like...on several days I've taken clips of Ouzel on just this log...but this time I was close enough to get a pic...saw Doe and Fawn on way to Post Office...and a few Deer on A. road...but not much else...lots of Jays and Woodpeckers and little tiny birds that peep and can be heard but cant be seen!...not an eventful day I thought...but Bear was looking into my friends mini pick up truck when I came home at night!...I said "Go away"..but had to repeat it three or four time..a little louder each time...until Bear noticed and left...I dont like it when the folk who think they know what they are doing yell and scream like maniacs "Go Bear!!" with the thought of making a lasting impression!....some tourists ironically came along and started screaming and yelling and getting up their courage to go snooping after Bear in the dark...I felt compelled to more or less stand in their way and tell them to move's my front yard after all!!....but seeing Bear was cool....they move about so graceful...and I dont begrudge the tourists going bananas...I wanted to tell them to just stand still be quiet and can get to see a lot that and high grey overcast...snow turning slushy...fog tonight....hmmph...could use some Bear Whisperers hereabouts!

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