Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Little Birds

Pics from yesterday, and day before....top pic is new sighting for me...Common Yellow Throat...next two blurry pics might be Wilson Warbler, not sure, and cant count as first sighting!...then Yellow Rump Warbler, and Mountain Chickadee....one short trip to the Post Office in the late morning...sent off paper work for Bronco...one fellow at garage wanted it...so I had to figure out transfer...like income tax forms...like miserable...Shuttled back to the Cabin and napped all afternoon!....out for a little while in the evening....sat by the Ponderosa...then at Owl Log...quiet..one Mallard for company at Creek's End....heard Ouzel..and maybe Kingfisher....sunny hotter and blue....oh...the Yellow Throat was out in Bobcat Meadow by the Lily Pads...and the rest at Owl Log....heard Hawk somewhere way over in the A Meadow when in Village...too far away...and too hot to walkabout!


Jeannette said...

Lovely little birds...how much we need their flittering ways, their songs, their reminders. Thank you for sharing them.

DavidDavid said...

I was very happy to get the Common Yellow Throat Warbler pic!