Tuesday, June 14, 2011


After Breakfast. paddled out to Bobcat Meadow....quiet...returned to the Cabin and napped most all day!...one foray out for Nachos and Hotdog from the Cone Stand, a beginning of Summer ritual, usually after I've hopped off the Hiker's Bus coming back from Tuolumne...but no Bus for awhile yet, though I heard Tioga will open this weekend...heard too that one can get as far as Olmstead Point now...will try that tomorrow with Silver!....around about ten thirty, located a headlamp from the dishevelment, and thought to paddle out to Four Mile Trail, or, as I realized on the way, to Ayer's View by Swinging Bridge...Sky looked promising for Moonbow....but at Two Top Pine Meadow, Meadow, and Path, flooded....Moon was peaking over Sentinel. so, diverted by the Water, hurried back to the Cabin, hopped on the Bicycle, and went the long way around to Swinging Bridge...photogs all lined up along the Road across from the Chapel...and Chapel Meadow flooded, reflecting the Falls....at Ayer's View (Thomas Ayers did the first charcoal/graphite drawing of the Falls hereabout), parked the Bike aside a Ponderosa, and tried for pics...hard to focus, no marking to go by on the lens' bezels, and wide angle lens is kit lens that came with newer camera...anyway, frustrating to take pics at Night, but much fun....a fine evening, a slight breeze at times, warm, sunnyblueblue during the day, puff clouds, hot....

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