Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sandpiper Beach

Out and about before Sunrise...paddled over to Bobcat Meadow...Buck and Does and Fawn about...(Pregnant Doe with Two Yearling Fawns by the Path yesterday), Pregnant Doe and Fawn in the Oak Grove...Mallards in the Ponds by the Deer House, and lots of Mallard flyovers...Dawn Chorus very loud!...took some iso 6400 pics...setting good just to get a pic, otherwise..hmmph....anyway, checked mail, and finished up the walk at Sandpiper Beach...pic up...and there was no one about early on, and I retreated to the Cabin after Breakfast and napped until worktime...same thing at Lunch!...sunny blueblue warm...there's a Redwing Black Bird next to a Fish on Sat. Night Live (a repeat)....forgot that episode...oh, and they are an item!....and my friend got a knockdown pic of the Moonbow...this is a facebook link:

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