Saturday, June 18, 2011

no pics today

At Lunch: paddled back to the Cabin, with coffee, and just thought to hide out a bit! is hectic, emphaisis on hec, at times....but I thought on last Night's musing in the blog, and realized a word I was looking for was 'airbrushed'....the time exposures of the Moonbows give the Falls an airbrushed, air brushing would seem to be anathema to the f.64 photogs, but it is often seen in Ansel Adams' Daylight pics of the Falls, I'm thinking of the little Fern Spring pic here, which is in shade, and which required a long exposure with the large format camera, but the Rainbow, Nevada Falls pic, has some of the unavoidable blending too--large format cameras are not noted for stopping motion!...Anyway, I did a search, Ansel Adams Airbrush, wondering if Ansel would even use an airbrush in the darkroom, and happened on a great many discussions of the merits of photos altered nowadays in photoshop, and happened too on this great clip about Ansel's home and (in the opening, one can see Bird Rock at Point Lobos!)

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