Friday, June 17, 2011

no pics today

Well, I did take some pics, pics of pics in the latest Museum Show(which is permitted, and if I remember right, government 'publications' are copyright free) in particular of Two Top Pine Meadow is for sometime, but I have to go out and get the 'now' photo, which I can put side side by with the 'then', which is 1901 about, by a photog name Peabody....Show has some things I haven't seen, and will take some study! Lunch: sat a moment at the Woods, and bit a bit by Mosquitoes...dont know if it's just me, or I've built up some immunity, or maybe these Mosquitoes are not ones to leave behind welts and days of itching, as just for a little while there's itching...anyway...quiet...was so busy with errands, didn't notice much in morning visit to the Village...and after work, took one Falls pic out front, but no Bow, but pic is kinda cool....can see the Stars very well....for sometime, a pic when the Big Dipper is over the Falls...Falls still may be flowing enough in July for more Moonbows...a waitandsee! I remember...saw pic of Moonbow and Dipper..brb...which is on first pic....

A kinda technical observation of Moonbow pics:

Because of the time exposures, in the Bow pics, the Falls is always smooth, and soft, like a cloud, like the 'soft lines' one learns about in Art Class drawing with a stick of also learns in Art Class about 'hard lines'....where the Rim meets the Sky is a 'hard line'.....during the Day, while the Falls is still pretty 'soft', a Falls photo taken in Daylight has enough detail, that it is in harmony with the Granite and Pines....over the last few nights, having looked at a few hundred Moonbow pics, I keeping finding the jarring contrast of the soft Falls, and the hard lines surrounding....often even the Bow is in sharp focus...oh, that is what I'm reaching for...there seems to be, in photog circles, an obsession with sharpness!!...Moonbow pics, I think, are one instance where sharpness can be set aside--iso 6400!!(a new photo club!)---I'll have to try that tomorrow Night, dont need a Bow to see how things will look....

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