Tuesday, August 23, 2016

OTI:one poem and notes:8/23/16

Open To Interpretation

Pausanias/Law of Demeter

Computers need to be user friendly,
Poems too least they astonish...
How'd I come to that, Pausanias!?
Sorting through confusing poems,
'Wheat from the chaff'.
Through the riddles' withes
I find the Law of Demeter
Not unlike you found
The xoanon of Demeter
In the Phigalians black cave,
Traveling about, eyes open.


Notes: I am not on easy familiarity with old Greek mythology...this to say, words like 'xoanon', and names like Phigalians, are not in my day to day...but I like the old myth words and names so much!...I read the tales and commentaries with rudimentary understanding, but enjoy just seeing the words and names!...Pausanias/Law of Demeter started out as something about the Erynines, the Furies, vengeful winged goddesses that torment those who break laws, oaths, and such...and in reading, I found that Demeter too was vengeful at times, and read some more on Demeter, much of this familiar, and found the passage from Pausanias that I've quoted before about a cult figure of Demeter..


 She had the head and hair of a horse, and serpents and other beasts grew out of her head. Her chiton reached right to her feet, and she held a dolphin in one hand, a dove in the other. Why they made the xoanon like this should be clear to any intelligent man who is versed in tradition.



I just saw on facebook a quote from Robert Frost, one of those slogan things, where he says he never wrote a poem knowing how it would end...me too, though sometimes it's the other way around, I have an ending, and need the beginning!...an aside...anyway, the 'see also' lists in the wiki takes are a marvel, and I took note that there is a computer term called The Law of Demeter, or LoD....


The fundamental notion is that a given object should assume as little as possible about the structure or properties of anything else (including its subcomponents), in accordance with the principle of "information hiding".
It is so named for its origin in the Demeter Project, an adaptive programming and aspect-oriented programming effort. The project was named in honor of Demeter, “distribution-mother” and the Greek goddess of agriculture, to signify a bottom-up philosophy of programming which is also embodied in the law itself.


Demeter could shape shift...taking on different human forms, or animals, or anything really...she was the Earth, and anything 'earthly' she could be...


Karl Kerenyi noted,[45] "she was Earth, who bears plants and beasts, and could therefore assume the shape of an ear of grain or a mare."

same as above


But I'm beginning to acquire familiarity with the old myths, and interleave them, and twig by twig build my own Black Dragon nest!


Aganippe "the Mare who destroys mercifully" was an aspect of Demeter. In this form she was a black winged horse worshiped by certain cults. In this aspect her idols (such as one found in Mavrospelya, the Black Cave, in Phigalia) she was portrayed as mare-headed with a mane entwined with Gorgon Snakes. This aspect was also associated with Anion (or Arion) whom Heracles rode, who later inspired tales of Pegasus.



much fun...Black Dragon Pet asleep in her Black Cave...Oh!...not to skip the Furies...that would be trouble...when first portrayed in a Greek play, they 'astonished'...


The Erinyes' first appearance on stage is haunting: they hum in unison as they slowly wake up, and seek to find the scent of blood that will lead them to Orestes' tracks. An ancient legend says that on the play's premiere this struck so much fear and anguish in the audience, that a pregnant woman named Neaira suffered a miscarriage and died on the spot.



In one of the songs of Pirates Of Penzance there was a lot of humming...oh, 'astonish' is a computer programming word...


Law of Least Astonishment
For years, people have tried to come up with a set of laws to define what is user-friendly and what is not. Many of them involve complex standards and lots of rules; but the best law that I've seen governing program design is the Law of Least Astonishment: the program should act in a way that least astonishes the user.



"I never started a poem yet whose end I knew. 
Writing a poem is discovering."

Robert Frost



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